Sunday, October 3, 2010

1st Class Re-cap

1st class to start my 'Birth Professional Training' was Childbirth Educator Training - to become a childbirth educator. So when expecting couples take childbirth classes, I could be they're teacher!
Class was very interesting, learned lots of info! My classmates and me are a talkative, opinionated, and lively bunch - which makes class fun. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am looking forward to going back for the last 3 days on October 15th. Bryce actually knows one of the ladies in my class! They were friends from when they both lived in Eugene. Small world!
One highlight was the Ice exercise. You may remember it from your own Childbirth Education classes. Well basically you hold a bag of ice for 1-2 min (length of a contraction) and try different pain coping techniques such as walking, focused breathing, humming, reading, etc. What worked best for me was reading. If I had something to read, I could hold the ice forever. All the other pain coping methods were just obnoxious. The basic premise is that you deal with pain in the same way you learn. I'm a visual learner. Some people are auditory (humming, singing) or kinetic (walking). Really cool idea and it worked!
I highly recommend the Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn book to expecting parents. Accurate and accessible information.
The class was Friday-Sunday 9/17-19, and Friday-Sunday 10/15-17

Monday, September 27, 2010

Whoa! Holy workshops batman!

Man, between my 3 day Friday-Sunday Childbirth Educator Training (9/17-9/19) and my 4 day Birth Doula Training (9/22-9/25), I'm ready for the 4 day break (ha!) between workshops! They were awesome classes! Next class/workshop starts on this Friday (10/1-10/2 and 10/8-10/9).

I totally didn't do my first day of school photo (mostly because Bryce wouldn't wake up, but I don't blame him, it was 6:30am) and my CBET re-cap. I'm still on time for the Doula class re-cap since that only ended on Saturday. So I'll post in sequential order - first about CBET and then Birth Doula class - as two separate posts pending...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to school, back to school!

I start my first “birth professional” class tomorrow! Childbirth Eductaor Training!

I went to Target last night, and spent far too long trying to buy school supplies. Oh things have changed since I was in school. I kept thinking “where did I used to find all those 5 subject expanding file folders?!” and “Why must they all be 7 or 13 subject?!” I settled on a post modern large leaf print 3 ring binder (very hip) with file pockets. I haven’t used a 3 ring binder since 8th grade, when I decided expanding file folders and messenger bags was where its at and all I would ever use again. I still have the messenger bag, but I think its a tad bit too small. Even though I have only one book in physical form and all the others are on my iPad via Kindle app (score!). I put way too much thought into school supplies…

I’m making Bryce take the obligatory “first day of school” picture tomorrow morning, and I will show off my sweet school supplies tomorrow! Stay tuned for photos of my kickass pen case.

Childbirth Educator Training!!!

I’ve decided to also take the Childbirth Educator Training that starts this Friday!! I’ll be teaching pregnant couples all about childbirth and their newborn!

So excited! And kudos to my boss for letting me take every Friday, +2 days, off for the next month!

Good news!

My 401k withdrawal was approved! Hopefully I’ll get my money in 3-10 business days! Then I can register for Doula classes! Yay!

Doula doula!

First post on my Tumblr Doula blog!! I have decided to keep a blog/journal as I began the process to become a Labour and Postpartum Doula (labour coach/midwife assistant)! I am very excited to take classes and learn all about how to help women through childbirth!

If all goes as planned, I’ll start the Labor Support Course for Birth Doulas on September 22nd at Bastyr University. Bastyr recently took over the Seattle Midwifery School and is offering Continuing Education classes in Doula training. Futher down the line, I would love to become a Midwife.

After classes, I will need to help out at 20 births before becoming certified with the Doula of North America organization. As soon as I am certified, I am in business and start my new career!
Thanks for reading!